We’re talking kitchens this fall. In the first 2 blogposts we talked about basics: what is your kitchen shape and size? How do you use your kitchen? We’ve talked about the types of light used througho
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As fall rushes in, we’re all in the kitchen a lot. Dinners to prep, school lunches to bag, homework to check, a presentation to polish, a quiet coffee in the morning before another epic day of go, go,
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It’s one of those things we all agree on, the kitchen is sort of the beating heart of a home. Some of our best childhood memories happened in the kitchen. When we move, it’s the first room we figure
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You sense it already, don’t you? The daylight is getting a few minutes shorter each day, and you notice it particularly in the morning at your vanity. The lighting is terrible, the mirror is a builder
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If you’ve ever tucked sweaty kids under cool sheets at night you know how warm they run. Look up! Is there a light fixture in the center of their bedroom ceiling? You could bring home a quality cei
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